I blog about my research on a number of sites, including LSE Review of Books, Public Spirit, The Conversation, Eurozine, the International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society, and even (occasionally) here. The essays below are roughly in reverse chronological order.

Reviewer 2 on Ed Husain’s Among the Mosques
Academic freedom, Islamophobia and antisemitism
How to Build an Academic Network
Science and Social Stereotypes: Reflections on the United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science
The Secret Social Lives of Science
Book Review: British Muslims: New Directions in Islamic Thought, Creativity and Activism by Philip Lewis and Sadek Hamid
Re-describing Islamophobia in a Language of Anti-racism
How should we respond to prejudices about belief?
Why science and religion aren’t as opposed as you might think
Making people up: The Sun and the ethics of polling Muslims
Cameron on extremism: how can we change this broken record?
Do we still have faith in science? Progress, the Pope and belief in things we can’t see
The Faith Manifesto: a response
Muslim women’s experiences of involvement in UK governance
Prevent after TERFOR: why local context still matters
The problem with the call to end ‘gender apartheid’ at UK universities
Rolling on or rolling backwards? Muslims, intersectionality and equality
Faith and public policy in Leicester and the lessons for multiculturalism in Britain
The religious life of a ‘plural city’: social change in Leicester
A ‘system of self-appointed leaders’? New modes of Muslim representation
A place for Muslims in a ‘Christian country’?
Presence, voice and impact: Muslim participation in governance
The deep slumber of decided opinions: Rowan Williams and the Sharia controversy

(Image by Michael Maggs.)

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